Unless you still use papyrus, you need an accounting system

My previous blog listed eight reasons why Accounting is important.  If my blog resonated with you then please come along for the ride as I delve a little deeper into each reason.

The first reason from my blog that I want to expend on is:

Unless you still use papyrus, you need an accounting system

Accounting records date back to ancient Egypt, the Roman empire and even Babylon. However, unless you like living in the dark ages it is not necessary to still be using papyrus to keep tabs on your business. These days there are a myriad of choices of system to use to keep your financial/accounting wheels on the bus. There is little excuse for not using technology these days, other than wanting to walk like an Egyptian, loaded down with a briefcase full of papyrus.

A simple Google search on accounting packages and you will find a variety of cloud-based packages to choose from. The problem as a small business owner is often trying to figure out which one is the best to use.

Personally, I put the packages out there into two categories. Those that “must not be named” and XERO.

Biased? Definitely. I am a fan. In fact, I am a super fan. I AM that annoying accountant at dinner parties that will not hesitate to tell you all the benefits of using Xero.

These are some of the reasons to use Xero:

  • You can handle your accounts, wherever you are
  • It is safe and secure
  • You can enjoy free product updates
  • It makes collaboration easy
  • You can upgrade as needed to suit your business needs
  • It can take care of invoices and quotes
  • There is a vast variety of add-ons you can download for a more customised approach
  • It makes currency conversion a snap
  • You can easily customise reports you run
  • You can link your bank account for automatic updates
  • It can streamline your accounts payable

But my absolute best reason for using Xero (and this may be strange coming from an accountant) is that it is NOT made for accountants (unlike some of those other packages that we shall not name). It is made and designed for the business owner.  The user experience is, as the tag like for Xero suggests, Beautiful.

Your experience on a cloud package need not be frustrating and cause you to swear like a sailor. Try out Xero for a beautiful software experience or call me and I will show you first hand Beautiful it is.

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